Returns policy
To manage the total or partial return of an order, you must open a return request (RMA) in the section "My Orders", within your customer area. Click here to see how to request a return or guarantee.
Please check the returns conditions to ensure that it can be accepted:
Returns conditions
There are various reasons why products may be returned:
1. Return during the cool-off period.
You can return a product because you changed your mind (if you don’t like the product, wanted something else or simply want to return it) as long as it is within the cool-off period.
For us to be able to accept this return, the product most meet the following conditions:
- The same item(s) as delivered must be returned. Don’t forget to include the instructions and accessories in the box.
- The original packaging must be used and it must be in the same condition as when you received it.
- The product must be clean and in good condition.
If you return an item during the cool-off period and comply with these conditions, only the return costs per package will be discounted from the refund. These collection fees will vary depending on the country. Consult them here.
In the event of non-compliance with these conditions, we reserve the right to make a partial refund, deducting the loss of value resulting from its use not in accordance with the agreement or not confirming to its nature.
Please remember that due to their nature, certain products are subject to special return conditions. Consult them here.
2. Returning an item that has been broken/damaged during shipping.
Products may be damaged during the shipping process and may not arrive in perfect condition. In this case, two very important conditions must be met:
- You have a 15-day window from the delivery of the parcel to report the incident. After this period, the system will not allow you to submit this type of return. If the order has been received by a third party, please ask them to confirm that the order is in good condition.
- Take photos of the condition of the item and the box and labels used by the courier company. These images will be used as evidence in the various claims.
3. Return due a product defect/fault. Guarantee.
All our products come with a two-year guarantee, during which time we cover any manufacturing fault. The date that the guarantee begins appears on the purchase receipt. Guarantees do not include defects caused by negligence, impact, improper use or handling (different to that indicated in the user manuals), incorrect installation, or wear and tear from normal use.
Once the products have been received at our warehouses, we will verify the state of the product. Our technicians will identify the problem and repair or replace with a new model.
4. Return due to delivery error/failure.
If you receive a product that is not the one you purchased, this might be due to a packing mistake or an error related to the labels used by the courier company. In this case, remember that you have a 15-day window to report the incident in your Customer Area.