Antibacterial + HEPA filter for AIR PURE ADVANCE air purifier

Product details
Antibacterial filter plus HEPA filter for the AIR PURE ADVANCE 7-stage air purifier. The antibacterial filter is a precision filter that traps particles with a diameter of 5 microns. At the same time, the antibacterial agent added to the filter can effectively kill 99% of the airborne germs and bacteria. In addition, the HEPA filter filters airborne germs, smoke, and 0.1 micron dust particles at a rate of 99% or higher. In combination with the other multifunctional filters, the HEPA filter can filter microscopic particles larger than 20 nanometers in diameter, including bacterial mold, dust, allergens and some viruses, while also filtering fumes.
Certificates CE & RoHS Warranty 2 Years » Useful life 150 h -
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