
Personal blenders

They are mini blenders that quickly prepare delicious shakes, juices or smoothies. They are portable blenders thanks to their mini blender size. With your portable blender, you can take your smoothies wherever you go. Smoothie blenders are ideal for people with a healthy lifestyle.

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Once upon a time, preparing food only involved the basics. This included cutting, chopping, mixing the ingredients, and stirring. In the olden days, food preparation couldn't be more elaborate than this. Yet, the job always got done. However, today things have changed. Food preparation has evolved, especially due to advancements in grinders and mixers. But, it's human nature to strive for more convenience because working with large mixers and grinders isn't handy. For small purposes, a small blender can be more efficient. Whether you want to blend some vegetables or make a smoothie, a mini blender will come in handy.

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What to Consider when buying a Personal Blender?

Before shopping for a small blender, one should consider:

  • Power and speed: Not all households will need a feature-rich machine. Consider a simple yet powerful tool.
  • Special attachments: For those who live in small apartments, they don't have much room to spare. Such people can double up on gadgets and appliances. For example, the ideal blender can blend a single drink, grind and store coffee, and double up as food processors.
  • Price: Price is an important factor when shopping for any kitchen appliance. There are a variety of alternatives for quality and durable blenders on the market today at affordable prices.

Other types of Blenders

  • Hand blender: Similar to a stand mixer, this appliance has to be immersed to blend without making a mess. Immersion makes it easier to combine food in a bowl or pot. Therefore, you can mix or blend hot foods without having to transfer the contents. This machine will blend smaller amounts of food compared to other blenders, which makes it a handy kitchen tool. While a variety of these tools are small, some of them have a cordless design while others have strong and sharp blades that can break the ice in a smoothie.
  • Smoothie blender: Smoothie addicts need a machine that has sufficient power to blend both frozen fruits and ice cubes. These machines have different capabilities and an array of blending settings. You should also consider the size of the pitcher, especially if you intend to prepare more than one serving at a time. The number of controls on a smoothie blender is also important. If you only need a smoothie blender to make smoothies, then you won't need one with 12 speeds. You only need a machine with a pulse setting to chop the ingredients and an additional few speeds to turn them into liquid.
  • Juice blender: To balance life, sometimes, you may need to stop taking high fibre smoothies and shift to non-pulpy juices. A machine that can do both juicing and blending can be of great convenience. Apart from being convenient, such a tool can save you some space in the kitchen. Although a blender and a cold press juicer perform various functions differently, the juicer has a range of attachments and settings that enable them to perform both functions smoothly. These machines are designed in such a way that they can blend fruits or vegetables evenly without clogging. Some of these tools have a centrifugal function that clears pure juice in seconds.

Mini blender: The Final Verdict

The juice blender is a remarkable invention, which can be a great addition to your kitchen appliances. These little machines contain a lot of power, and this makes them more ideal for blending all kinds of drinks and ingredients for appetizers and sauces. At our online store, you'll find a variety of these machines at affordable prices.